Latest News
- YBYG participated in the 2nd EurAsian Geosynthetics Symposium 2022-01-13
- YBYG attended the 2019 Geosynthetics Exchange Meeting 2022-01-13
- YBYG participated in the 2nd EurAsian Geosynthetics Symposium 2022-01-13
- YBYG participated in China new geomembrane technology equipment seminar 2022-05-06
- YBYG participated in the tenth National Geosynthetics Conference 2022-05-06
- YBYG Factory Visit Exhibition was successfully held 2022-05-06
- The grand opening of the 2021 YBYG New Year Annual Meeting 2022-05-06
- YBYG 5S management on-site training 2022-06-09